Airdrie Realtor

587-586-2280 |

How to Emphasize the Remote Working Potential of your Listing

By all accounts, remote working is here to stay. In fact, according to a survey by McKinsey & Co (a research institute), 58% of workers say they can work at home at least part of the time. So, highlighting the remote working potential of your listing can be a...

Creating a Manageable Timeline when Selling

There are several ways to make the selling process easy and relatively stress free. One way is to create a selling timeline that fits your needs, lifestyle, and capabilities. Say you’d like to list your home in four weeks and expect it to be on the market for an...

Understanding How your Local Market Works

When you read or watch the news about the real estate market, it may seem reasonable to make theassumption that the information applies equally to your street or community. But, that isn’t always true. In fact, the characteristics of your local real estate market can...

Selling Quickly without Compromising on Price

There are many reasons homeowners may need to sell their property — fast. Work relocations, changesin family makeup, and financial needs are among the most common.If you find yourself in a position where you need to sell quickly, you don’t necessarily have to go...

Fix it? Or leave it “as is”?

When preparing your property for sale, you want to make it as attractive as possible to buyers. After all, the more buyers like what they see, the higher the probability you’ll get good offers. That’s why it’s advisable to clean, de-clutter, decorate, fix, and improve...

What is Attic Rain?

Water stains on the ceiling is something we see a lot of in Southern Alberta. We made this quick video to help shed some light on why this happens and if you should be concerned. Thanks to Terra Snyder from Accurate Home Inspection Calgary for your expertise! Terra...